Jordan Bone Neuro Note #3

Jordan Bone is a 28-year-old woman who was in a car accident that gave her with a C6 spinal cord injury. She is able to flex her elbows and extend her wrist, but she cannot flex or extend her fingers. However, she is able to use tendinosis to help her pick up objects.

Jordan has a blog and a book called My Beautiful Struggle. She tells stories about her life, but many of her videos are make-up tutorials. She discusses how she has to come up with creative ways to complete simple task.  She is not able to dress herself, but after countless days of practice and dedication, she is able to do her own makeup. Makeup is a way she shows her uniqueness and it means the world to her.

I decided to watch videos on Jordan’s YouTube channel because I wanted to learn more about how people with spinal cord injuries live a day to day life. For my media project, my client has a C5 injury, so I was hoping this would help give me an idea of where to go with my project. C6 is different than C5 because a person with a C5 injury can only flex their elbows and cannot use tendinosis. Jordan did explain what it is like to have a halo and this helped me create ideas for my project.

 I was amazed at how Jordan persevered through all of her struggles. She talks about being frustrated and depressed, but she has learned to accept her fate. In one of her videos she said, “even in the darkest times, there will always be a light shining brighter... know that you are worth so much... know that you are amazing, life will get better.” Jordan is truly an inspiration to everyone! I would definitely recommend her blog to fellow classmates because it vividly portrays what life is like for someone with a spinal cord injury.


Bone, J. (2015, August 25). My beautiful struggle [Video File]. Retrieved from


  1. Juli, thanks so much for sharing! I love Jordan Bone and agree that she is an inspiration. I also learned some makeup tips along the way :)


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