Knowledge check #14

What is universal design? The definition in the TED talk I feel explains it perfectly “it is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for or adaptation or special design” (Nesmith, 2016). I have never heard the term universal design or thought about how much planning goes into everyday environments. An example given in the TED talk is how door knobs are difficult for children or people with arthritis. To solve this problem the sliding door was invited and now no one struggles or feels left out. Universal design can be so simple, but creates a world of difference for everyone!

 Honestly, I had never heard of Paralympics. I was amazed at the creativity of accommodations made so that people with disabilities can participate in events. For example, vision impaired athletes were able to compete in cross country skiing, by being led by a guide. I was stunned! I couldn’t imagine flying down a mountain at 75 mph and trusting a guide with my life. No person should be held back from doing what they want to do because of their disability. In a way, everyone has a disability and it will be my job as an occupational therapist to come up with creative ways for all people to be able to do the things they love.


T. (2016, October 13). Why We Need Universal Design | Michael Nesmith | TEDxBoulder.

Retrieved March 19, 2018, from


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